The Author’s Book

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Atomic One’s

$ 13.84 USD

As the book contains theoretical content as well as solved questions.

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The Dark Light

$ 86.11 USD

As the book contains theoretical content as well as solved questions.

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About the Author

We believe that bookstores are essential to a healthy culture. They’re where authors can connect with readers, where we discover new writers, where children get hooked on the thrill of reading that can last a lifetime.

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We believe that bookstores are essential to a healthy culture. They’re where authors can connect with readers.
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What Will You Learn?


Use HDFS & Map Reduce for storing & analyzing data at scale.


Consume streaming data using Spark Streaming, Flink, and Storm.


Choose an appropriate data storage technology for your application


Analyze non-relational data using HBase, Cassandra, and MongoDB.

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Enhance knowledge & Vision

Chapter-1 Get Started Intro

You can double your knowledge by reading this ever needed book that can last a lifetime.

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Length :

2 Hours

Chapter-2 The Roman Culture

It will help to improve your life career with the perfect and needed knowledge about your life.

Pages :


Length :

3 Hours

Chapter-3 How They Servived

We wanted to create an easy, convenient way for you to get your books & support.

Pages :


Length :

4 Hours

Chapter-4 The End Of Romans

Promote your book via Pages shop to support your writing & reading career.

Pages :


Length :

3 Hours
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Words From Our

We believe that bookstores are essential to a healthy culture. They’re where authors can connect with readers, where we discover new writers, where children get hooked on the thrill of reading that can last a lifetime.
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Podcasting operational change management inside of workflows to establish a framework.

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